
3:47 PM

I am who I am.

Enabled to change only when first accepting true colors, embraced.

Others might judge and criticize behaviors, beliefs, but I fear not their lipsync. Sure, you might think I am gay or feminine, but I taletell, hereby at ease with self and ain't nobod care who I sleep wii. Certainly, you are allowed to not accept Way.I.Am. Same vein, I need not your acceptance to feel validated. Keep checking me in em boxes, but I diverge crae, slippering. You might yet have met one like me, but I here now, surfboarding. Indeed, I my own person, learning to value this package unconditionally. Don't get me twisted, I ain't rejecting traditions for fierce sake, byekitty. This rebellion phase is pure self discovery, stone refinery. Shifting gears ain't easy, but zen eases digestion obviously. Truth be told, it all starts with em basics, the way I love self, peers and capital G. However, this here belongs to me, private property. And I will steward what's given faithfully, ain't justifying. If we ever butt heads, no shades mi caspering. Neither I subscribe to dogma bullets, nor doctrinal acidity. Because see, I believe in boundaries and mutual respecting. Thus, I keep standing tall, sheltering oppressed and weak armies. Plus, I be denouncing injustice & dominions all weeks oui. So to those who enslave body & mind, my freedom is free, unrelenting. And whatever labels you tramp stamp, do keep em, geez. Truly I tell you, life ain't just about being male or fille, queer or street, black or cheese, karma or holy. Mansion key: Human Be. Real how we rep, nay fake teeth. Same essence, diff icing. Trust, for wind and some paddling will lead boats straight, no doubting. Whatever baggage tagged along, they secondary, accessorizing. Ain't no temps dare mess with my IDs, compromising. Bae we outta this world because His .gif we. So whoever match not profile, may we accept as own gladly. And my main peace, shine intrinsically, for we transcend this shiz, errdaily. #Goal. Let nuff love unite all, settle scores, billing please. Now unlock ocular slits, seeing morrow, hope teehee.

Heaven generated. God willed. Joys R Us.

Photography by Naomi Frost.

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