Man to Man

1:07 PM

All I think about is you. Only you.

All I do I do it for you. Yes you.

Centered. See you better. 1080p.roud

Can you understand that I do indeed love you? Son.

But I did not know how to E-xpress, did not know how to father you.

I am sorry. For hurting you. Irrevocable damage, inheritable.

I am just trying to look strong in front of you. Just trying to be the anchor for this family.

But that just further rifted us, didn't it? You hate me now, don't you?

How did we even get to this point? For I do not know. At a loss for words.

Is it too late, for us to have a relationship? Do over.

Can you visit me once in a while? Come over.

To partake in sharing of food. To make up for past times feuds.

These wishes, all I pocket, before kicking bucket.

Though I am content, being afar, gazing rising star.

Whom I conceived.
Am well-pleased.

Your ol' man.

Photography by Nitin Badhwar.

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