1:08 AM
When I am weak and sick, that longing for a loved one to be there, caretake, comfort.
A realization. I can't possibly do it on my own. No more hugging pillow, sorrow.
A realization. I can't possibly do it on my own. No more hugging pillow, sorrow.
And that desire. When I see thing or one liked, the need to possess it at all cost. A chase, chance, to get. Collector at heart. Eyes, set.
That feeling. In the presence of another. Silence defeated, completed. Flowing convo, tug of war. The need to relate, integrate.
And many days of seclusion later, when you see daylight & civilization again. That indescribable je ne sais quoi wells. The shock, unlock, unleash, downpour. And you grasp again the meaning of life.
The day to day could be tedious. The things you used to find purpose in might dilute. The love you have for people, languished. All in all, restlessness, slack and wack, inability to relax. Restrained, no rest on the train. Why is it? That tranquilizers calm not. Anti-depressants work not. A peace that is hard fought, lost. When spotlight stolen, show cased, how do I look forward in the pitch. Rather, let me crumple, retract and perish. Be still, befallen. Let me keep crashing down, aiming bottom, towards gravity, depravity.
Favors, favored, consistency. It is just enough, in my plate, slate. Thank you for this cup. It I need, for I was thirsty. I forgot that with each step down, UP I can go too. And the relapse, to not choose well for myself, being free, spree. But I understand now, aware. Ready, action, take two K.
Zone, zoned, and rest comes, easy, peachy. Hold on, I will show you. Lie down, joints joined. This is it. This is you. Breathing, existing. This is your time, your moment. You are here, you've been here. Body, crown, mounting. Feel the latitude, longitude. You are spot on, rightfully so. And it really doesn't get better than this. Position, adjust, register. Now bank on it.
Photography by Pietro Faccioli.