Tears of joy

6:09 PM

Doesn't life sometimes feel like a series of problems needing to be fixed?

I am only 24 (soon tb 25), and I am already experiencing a bit of chronic health problem (i.e. hypertension). Imagine in 20 years, I might have to cope with a buckload more. Not to mention financial burdens. Can't wait.

This body of mine is sadly and truthfully degenerating. A slow and painful process if you asked me. But even amidst the physical struggles, I find joy. And even with the daily routines settling in and concretizing, I find purpose. I am a person in process and I want to live the heck out of this life.

Backforwarding a tad. I thought I'd never ever pepper work at an office. And look at me now, sitting in my little cubicle facing a PC all day. Don't get me wrong, I love my job. Too much even. Errmorn I wake with a smile, excited to leave slumber and thankful for what the new day has in store. What am I trying to say? That is, our attitudes shift in life, but it's k. We are not capricious beings, but human. The thing is, thing changes and that is not a bad thing. I mean we change occupation, preoccupation. We change friends circle, geographical circle. We change clothes, toothbrushes. The foreign doesn't have to be discarded. And new developments can be fully and wholly exciting. You never know where life or circumstances can take you, but one thing for sure, they can't take you away. Don't lose sight of what is intrinsically, inherently and genuinely you. Don't bow down to those with more power and influence. Befriend them. And love. Jobs are created for men, not the other way around. Being jobless doesn't define you. You can still work with your God-given 2 hands. Work was declared good by God in the beginning, so never stop laboring. Don't opt for any easy peachy covergirl/boy life. Instead, take up new challenges and find new meanings for your limbs. Sure we can't control much in this universe, but whatever we can, let us own and steward. The sun will still shine every day whether the world be ending or not. In the same way, do not lose that positive outlook towards what has come, is to come. We can certainly conquer, and we can surely make a difference on our small turf. Let us all die at the end of this blind date with a bang and a sense of satisfaction. Also, let food taste good after every work shift. It is already happening. Believe me you.


Photography by Simon Pe.

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